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Good pointers for freelance wannabees
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Anything you write down and they sign is legally binding. Anything you say to someone and they agree up is also legally binding. However, something someone tells you does not hold up in the corts as well as something written and signed by them. It is always a good idea to have a lawyer sit down and review your contract, or even to help you draft one. However, unless you are looking at clients who you expect to take for more than 100,000 (USD) it is not really needed. I figure this way, because a company willing to spend upwards of 100,000 usually also has the money to hire a good lawyer, or has an existing legal department. The better written the contract the better for you. When you write the contract you have to allow yourself an out, that satisfies them (I can pull out of project at any time refunding all money, and reclaiming all work. They can pull out but they forfiet all payments owed and given as well as all work performed). This is a key here. Sometimes you will come across a client who you think might work well, but later turns out to be a major pain in the ass. This allows you an out, and if they want to keep the work they can, by paying for it. But if they decide they don't like you, then you have their downpayment, and a legal claim to all monies owed to you and your work. Contracts are not that hard to do, you just have to account for all possibilities. I really liked that 18% APR on all late payments of 15 days or greater. [url=http://www.warmage.f2s.com] [img]http://www.warmage.f2s.com/sig/siggy_17.gif[/img] [/url]
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