OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Good pointers for freelance wannabees
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Hmm, I would think that a simple letter *requesting* non-payment should work. Optionally, you could just decide to not send an invoice, that'd work too! =) At Apocalypse Studios I made a habit of making my invoices *very* pretty, with the graphics I created for them displayed on the printed out invoice, with a background, in color, on really nice paper, they were sometimes *beautiful*. Once I was waiting for a payment from a government organization I sent a bill to, they usually paid very promptly and this one was getting quite late. It seems that the guy I sent the invoice to didn't recognize it as such, and it ended up posted on the wall of their office, in a frame no less! After a few phone calls we figured out what had happened, and they made a copy and forwarded it to accounting. When it comes to getting paid, I always find getting that last payment is the toughest part, clients will usually hold it until the last issue of theirs is addressed, and it seems there is *always* one last thing they think they should get, that you simply can't give them, when does it all end? This is why it's so critical to make a detailed list of what you should be doing, and check them off as you go. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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