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Dont be afraid of a few painting and drawing classes, in your average courses about 75% of the people cant draw. The rest will be a mix of the Gifted artists and the Practiced artists. What I learned in art class is that there is almost always someone better than you and almost always several people worse than you who just want to 'talk' about art. Drawing and painting classes are not about turning you into the next DaVinci, they are about breaking down the barriers between the tool between your ears and the tool in your hand. Mabye you start with stick figures and you end up with block people, progress is progress. Personally I would say skip the 'web design' major and go for a solid grounding in fundamental graphical concepts, space, layout, motion, tone. This will translate to the web, to print work, to 3d animation, to every aspect of the way you look at the world. Most 'web design' programs I have seen are geared toward teaching you the how to make things, a good art teacher will help show you why you make things. Degrees....well I am degreeless, I have taken an intro lightwave class, some flash stuff, some programming stuff, (cobol, I am a master of cobol...its like being king of guam.) got some liberal arts stuff in there too. Oh yeah and one intro to drawing class...hahah. No degree, not yet. The only thing I have going for me is that I have a few natrual inclinations toward art and I deluge myself with graphics on a daily basis. When I get motivated I will have my animation degree, if I get really motivated i will go chase down a MFA, not for the diploma because with a fine arts degree and 2.50 you still cant get a grande latte...no, just for the love of art. I lost focus, gonna stop now, just dont fear the art classes, you will be amazed at how many people cannot draw, take the class...because its there. [img]http://www.moaiz.com/laboratory/solo_pill_sig.gif[/img]
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