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Over the years I've acquired 10% of a whole bunch of companies that are no longer with us, in just this fashion. I set myself a couple of rules about it though. First, if I'm going to be working for shares, the job had better darn well be fun, as that might be the only value I get out of it. Second, regardless of how much % you want to give me, I need some money down, sometimes called an "earnest" payment. (As in, the people doing the offering are truly "in earnest" about this job of work, they're the real thing.) If this is my emplyer working this way, I'd get nervous, I work a job like that for the money, that's why I get up each day and go there! Still, I think I remember that Netscape was paying folks like this in the months before they went IPO, and *everybody* became a millionaire! On the other hand, those days are past, and chances are those shares will never make you rich, SO... I dislike working that way, maybe only a few times, think of it as lottey tickets, heh. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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