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starting up company?
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A lot if interesting stuff in this forum. And reading all of this has made me think of finally [b]doing[/b] something (apart from just working for salary at a company). Some five years too late, perhaps, but I have always been a bad procrastinator. At least I have the advantage(?) of living in a rather rural area where the IT business is not as fully grown as in other places. Thanks Doc for the info about the "Self Proprietor" thing. I always assumed that it would cost me hundreds (if not thousands) just to start up a company as far as the legalities goes. Though I must admit I do not feel I know all about how things work yet. Does anyone know more about company names? Can I choose any name I want? How do I know that noone else have that name already? Would special rules apply if the name includes the name of a State, County or City? I have tried to search some on-line but have not been very lucky so far. There seems to be thousands of companies called Xxxxxxx Design out there, and instead of just adding myself to this long list, I was thinking of starting things up as a locally based Web Portal which also offers web design. Good or bad idea? Also, can someone with more experience tell me if this is even possible, I mean to try to start something like this and at the same time having a full time job. I don't mind spending evenings and weekends on this, but it is even a practical possibility to keep up a contact with the customers (prividing I get any) while working on hours like this. I imagine this correspondence would mostly be carried out through e-mail and regular mail. Maybe I am getting carried away, and any project like this at this time is predestined to fail? But since all I will invest will pretty much be time, I guess that is not so bad. Besides, I might have fun doing it. Ok, so this is just me rambling. I don't expect anyone to really be able to answer all questions I have, but I'll be happy for any input you might have. :)
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