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writing the proposal...thats half a technical writing course in itself. I can point you to some usefull documents like a non-disclosure agreement and a Memorandum of engagement. Here ya go [url=http://www.secretsites.com/legal/set_legal.html]secret sites[/url] Its the site thats the companion to the book 'the secrets of successful websites', a pretty decent read for backend office/project management info. As for questions you can ask them I would hunt down a [url=http://www.secretsites.com/profiler/content_profiler.shtml]'project profiler'[/url] I know I have seen a version on the web you can custom tailor for your needs. It will ask the client all the basic questions about how,what,when and why of a web project. Pricing...thats your choice, mabye hit some local web companies websites or call them pretending to be a customer and ask how much they charge for x, y, and z web services to help build a range for you. Good luck [img]http://www.moaiz.com/laboratory/solo_pill_sig.gif[/img]
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