OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Did I get too much or too little?
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OK, let's look at it in terms of salary, assume you did stuff like this all the time, for a living. Now, if you could have done this in a month and a half, then this would earn you $1,333/month, or $16,000/year, or the equivalent of a full-time job paying just $7.70/hour. Now if you were a freelance consultant, you'd have other costs involved, your computers and equipment, taxes, (both as a company and as the person who gets the money), space for all this stuff, network connections, etc... By these calculations, you didn't make near enough money, you'd go broke pretty quick at this rate! The question is this: if you *did* do this as your full-time job, would it always take 1.5 months, or would you get faster and faster as time went on? To calculate your costs, and the value of your work, always try and evaluate it in terms of "what you get paid per hour", this will allow you to come up with a good "magic number" you'd like to earn. Then you can add in the % multipliers for all of your costs, and the next job you do you can just figure out how long it'd take you and give people a price based on that value, you'll now have a quote based on real numbers, and you'll feel more confident about asking for it. Welcome to the world of consulting! This is how it's done. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by DocOzone (edited 03-28-2002).]
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