OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Managing projects
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Hi all. Just a quick question. Currently I have been working on quite a few projects for websites. It was like a year with nothing and then I have had about 5 or 6 things come to me. Very cool but. . . How do you guys handle multiple projects? Do you do one project and then move on to the next or just work on each simultaniously? I am just a one man band so to speak so, how do you guys do it? Currently I have 4 websites I am working on and am feeling a little overwhelmed at times. The real bad thing is, is that I am not charging for any of this. I am working on getting a nice little portfolio going then start to pay. Makes it easier me would think. That way I can say "You can see some of my work here ---->" Comments. . . Later, C:\ ~Binary is best~
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