OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Argggh! PDFs... Gak!
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In under 18 hours I've had two new redesign clients suggest that the best way to post their events calendars online is to just put up a PDF for people to download and print. I need help in convincing them this is not the best practice. My opening salvo in this is: <paste> I advise against it because very few people will want to suffer through trying to read a PDF onscreen, and fewer still will print it. The web is about reading from the screen, not producing more waste paper. PDFs are great for maintaining rigorous control of a document that *must* be distributed and reproduced just so -- forms, contracts, etc. They're not a very good substitute for web pages because, for starters, --they are not interactive, --they do not adjust for the visitor's environment (screen and computer) and, --once it's on the visitor's computer and printed, you, as a content producer, can no longer update it. </paste> Any other agruments I missed? "the most incredible feats are often accomplished by those who have had the most incredible challenges"
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