OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Need help with round about pricing...
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Well phortay I'm sure the Guru's will be around soon, but [my take] if I could get $40,000 us from someone for a website...I'd retire next month!! It seems like the most difficult thing you are going to deal with is the video conferencing aspect. But I don't think that will put her anywhere NEAR $40,000! And remember, if she wants video conferencing both ways, then each of her customers are going to need webcams (I'm not sure what the demographics are on the ratio of [psycho:having-webcams] is but I don't think it'll be in her favor). And let her know that body language is a large part of her job (if she is a responsible psychologist!) Maybe tell her that you can whup together a home [ 1 ] page for her in 2 days, but again she'll have to wait longer than that for domain name propogation and the like. Sound professional about the limits of the internet and BY GOD study up on things! It sounds like you have quite the hike in front of you when it comes to websites and bidding! STUDY UP FRIEND! And shit if you can get $40,000 out of her, contract out the entire job to someone else and pay yourself what is left! Chances are you'd be pocketing about 85% of it for simply sitting on your duff. If she is stupid enough not to do some research about what she is paying for, then she well deserves a shafting IMHO! [img]http://www.lunaslovechild.com/logos/thumper.gif[/img]
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