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Ok, this is a pretty common case, no consulting and such, but it sucks. As said before, all I was able to get here in Switzerland for "some" reason, is a job as database admin for a rather big company. As said before, after almost a year of employement, they moved finally hired me as fix, and sent me a new contract for a new department. My problem? 2 Billions debts for the company, and the same old business men who don't know a thing about what they do, apparently. My Access database wasn't planned to stand more than 10 employees, but supports 50 and more (I don't have control over that). My buggy Access database has been reviewed, modified, crashed, whatever, for 5 years, 4 years before I came. Three major review, although the initial project was nevber finished because of "too many modifications from the initial plan", ad the defined data structure has "exploded" last december and was lost. I do depend on both the billing and another responsible, but they NEVER, NEVER agree about what to ask me. When one says "don't do this" the other goes "could you do this", it's a bit like Laurel and Hardy. For example, I've been asked to split the db in 2: had a list of client products as a working base. Sent it to EVERY CONCERNED RESPONSIBLE, everyone who could have agreed or not. Everybody agreed. Split made, everybody disagreed, I had to "swap" 300 more clients. Swapping those clients would have taken days of absurb hand tweaking, because it isn't even possible, given the nature of the db, to perform "some" queries (most update queries: everything related to one particular table cannot be done wjile the others are working, and the "others" are dispatched on 4 towns). Honestly, this db has come to an end where it is totally unstable, full of absurd informations (users made incredible mistakes, I suddenly "proved" to them from an old backup that they had just forgotten to type a critical info about modems, and that we had over 1500 modems "dancing in the wind", God knows where. Making the same error 1500 times and more... I never will understand humans. Honestly, being the only one who seemed to accept "putting his hand in the dirt", (and one of the rare informatic competencies of the firm), I just fear the worse when I sign a REAL contract and they can put me in question for what happends to their buggy system. Anyway, I'm sick today, I sorta lost sleep a couple of days ago, and I happened to be sick quite a few times, just because it really dries me out to know that an idiot (my boss) asked me to "do this report, this newer report, why not this, but do not forget to fullfill the requests of ten other employees and to be available on phone, before the end of the week please". I told him how wrong the reports could be and how fundamental it was for me to normalise the system: I'M LOOSING CONTROL AND MY MIND, SHOULD I QUIT AND SAY "NO NO" TO THE NEW CONTRACT? Plus of course, the salary is decent (more than 3000$), but nothing more than decent. And I feel so stuck there.. Tweaking something that I should format instead, waiting for a miracle while the ship is sinking. They should have changed DB platform two years ago, they finally tested the new costy platform, and had so many problems that it remains a ?
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