OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Impossible to deal with you said?
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Ok, though it may seem almost hopless, your situation, it's not...you need to ascertain a couple of facts. First off, how important is this job to you? Could you leave it? If so, then do so. If you find yourself in a dead end, getting sick all the time, then it's not a good job, period. Either change the conditions of the job, or leave it. Second, get those resumes out there, it's always to your benefit to 'have a job' up the sleeve, so to speak. It changes your options enormously. Third, it sounds like the company really does need someone with your skills...and needs a desperate reminder of that...are you any good at making presentations? If so, I would make a pitch to someone who makes descisions for a new DB...and I wouldn't pull any punches. Most of the time, when you outline a problem, and then present a solution, the battle is half-won...just a little elbow grease and the right argument seals the rest right up. People love it when they don't have to think or work for a solution to a problem... But that's just me... [This message has been edited by WebShaman (edited 05-31-2002).]
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