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It's odd. The "solution" is in project, and has been for about two years, one year before I came. Since none of those dummies understands a damn thing to informatics, and the new solution is costy, they tried to keep it for later. I'm starting in a new, better position on monday, in another town, same company, so... And what I want now, professionally, is be independent. But that won't be possible without very good referrals and a diploma. My new position opens up doors to a return to school, university, which will be discussed next wednesday with the school responsibles: I'd end up working 90% for the company, and going to school on saturday mornings and all nights except monday. Which is exactly what Cyco does. Apparently, my new boss has "high hopes" for me, so he said to others "stop mucking up, any new request about that db tool should be forwarded to me and I'll define priorities". Coolness! He "saved my life". My new position involves less shitty VB and macros, and should lead me to being the webmaster/designer of the firm. Plus I could be one of the rare ones who escapes the restructuration. But yes, I hate my current job. And yes, the new stuff is promising: as db said, they need me, and they already invested lots of time and money on me, surprisingly, my ideas are respected and heared, so... It's gonna be fun, I shouldn't worry. But I really, really would like to end up being my own boss. Let's see what comes out of Wapod..
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