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Heh. I usually refer people to [url=http://www.AzzumA.com]www.AzzumA.com[/url] in this case. One of my first e-commerce clients, selling fancy french ladies underwear even! You'd think it was a dream job, and yet, the dream turned into a nightmare. I designed a stunningly *beautiful* website, with many subtle image effects, and my friend drow wrote a brilliant PERL backend, the entire thing was one of my best pieces for a long time. Then they started changing things. Blinking text link. (RED text!) They never really understood the reason why things were offset just a few pixels, so they tried to "fix" that themselves, stretching the images all out of whack, oh! I don't work with them anymore, but hey, it's their site now, they paid for it! These things happen, evaluate every client based on where you stand now, and if they don't meet your criteria, then cut them loose and move on. These things happen, it'll always be painful, but... these things happen. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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