OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Got a new client! :-)
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OK; check out this site, [url=http://www.seavisions.com]www.seavisions.com[/url] and then look at my initial play at [url=http://seavisions.ozoniclabs.com/]http://seavisions.ozoniclabs.com/[/url] - I was contacted by this guy Gerry Calabrese, the owner of this place that makes [b]HUGE[/b] custom fishtanks, with all sorts of nifty coral reefs (manufactured by a 3d scanner and then hand painted). Neat guy, and am I going to have fun with this site. (Malin will too - this is our first big joint venture, whee! :-) I have a lot to say about what I'm planning, but I'll do that later, I thought maybe it'd be a good thing if I kind of "thought aloud" here in this thread, let some of you get a peek into my head, and give you a chance to comment on my working methods. This will be a full re-design from the ground up, with a publishing system for all of the installations he's done, eventually a store for the semi-custom tanks, and of course, lots of toys. <g> I'm (hopefully) just finishing this job for another client and will start working full-time on this one next week, with any luck. If you have any thoughts you'd like to share, feel free to kibitz, I'm still uncertain on exactly what direction we'll go with this, but the client is a cool guy and is going to give me some good freedom to play. Just a heads-up for now, I'll see if I can document my work here, this'll be fun! Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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