OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
updating solutions for client
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I have my first paying client (yay!) and am busily working on her site, and I've come to a realization. She is from Brazil, I'm in Alabama. She'll be back in Brazil in two weeks (the site should easily be done by then, barring a city wide electrical failure for the next two weeks). She may want to add more to the site in the future, and that may be very difficult for us to work out. Sure, she can mail me a check or PayPal me some money for updates, but allowing her to handle her own updating seems like a good option, too. I know that some people set up templates where clients can log on and make their own updates, thus freeing the site designer from contractual updates and freeing the client from paying extra to add a paragraph of text or another two pictures. I also know there is some software out there you can purchase if you aren't a programmer that sets this up for you. So my question to the group is, can anyone recommend one of these software packages. Basically, we're talking something that will let her add another picture or two to her art gallery. Cheap is nice, free is better.
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