OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
clients are crazy
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The customer is *ALWAYS* right.. right? =) I think in areas of design like this, where the look & feel which are subject mainly to opinion, not operation - this is one of the hardests concepts to run your business by, but i guess it depends on what you want: If you in business for, well business.. then yes the customer IS always right (if you want him to give good references or come back etc then do it how they want).. but if your doing it out of principle, well then =) You can always tell him you'll give his money back and do it for free if you can do it your own way :P - but.. heh Repeating what was just said tho, if you know their ideas are bad etc, the best way you can tell them otherwise is to back it up with WHY it is bad and FROM EXPERIENCE etc... you will find that if it becomes a case that you cant give them a reason why not do it their way, then YOU are most likely basing your opinion on what YOU like.. which isnt always best for your client either. But like i said design is tricky like that, but thats just my opinion - i havnt been doing this for a great deal of time, but even in a short time ive noticed this. =)
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