OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Function Point Analysis
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Well, the link I posted previously was extremely helpful, if a little biassed towards their own services. Having thoroughly digested the document and gotten my head around the bunch of new accronyms, I am convinced that any new project will be dissected in this way before I touch a single line of code. I'm not 100% sold on the notion of strict FPA, but by analysing my idea and ascertaining where and when the process requires input/output/workflow/whatever and laying it out on paper first, I've managed to completely build an application (off line) and am in the process of distributing components for building elsewhere in the department, safe in the knowledge that the bits will come back, slot together and work 'out-of-the-box' as it were. I've never really been that analytical in my approach to programming before, but I'm going to save myself hours, if not weeks of unproductive coding. Thanks for checking back NoJive. As for downloading it?
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