OZONE Asylum
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Besides, the center of all my motivations remains school, so whatever happens, I still got that, but honestly, I can't stand doing second level helpdesk knowing I can code as a normal (good) Java enginner, and being stuck to the first year of my nightly studies where I get 6/6 in any sientific option. These opportunities are backed up by the bestest contacts in this industry I could think of, would touch easilly a wide audience, and is already a proven success in countries of Europe, except in Switzerland and a few others it seems. And it would only mean "using my normal day of work to create and sell things of my own". If I can stand a solid project and structure and show them after six months, the venture really starts with bigger funds. And again, I got the most solid technology available to support my project, I am not kidding, I could show you, but then... =) [This message has been edited by InI (edited 04-29-2003).]
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