OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Is it time?
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The first two points are not a problem, it is a very long term loan indeed, the person has "nothing to lose", to him it's small money, to me it's the grail. It kind of answers the first two questions, the terms are "not forced to [b]make benefits[/b] for the first year, but forced to have a project to show in six months". Restitution of money can be arranged, depending on my incomings in a year, no matter the source. I tell, you, the loan itself is a miracle, I can take up to several years to bring it back, and it doesn't involve the guy having any control of the final company. Not any, he "provides funds", and gets a percent, interest, back, simply. Well, there is maybe one favor (giving someone a job) he would ask me, but that wouldn't be a big problem.. The point about marketing the products is a problem. There are several ways to market them, all quite simple, but the most effective is: agreement with the company which supports the media for these. On that side, I got my foreign contact who can help, he has his two feet in this businees and had had them for years. I could for example get my product ready in six months, start marketing it with him if he is interested (and he is)... The time is "more or less" a problem: through this, a big deal of my activity will have to be development, a big big deal, and I absolutely refuse, and do not really have, to stop the competition activities. But the "whole" will be one activity, and the one that I love and dreamt of for a long time. Besides, transports, with my current work, are being a total loss of time. I don't have a car, so I spend too many bucks a month and hours and health wasting ten hours a week, and more, in transports. I'm a little inadequate for marketing for my country (full of serious banking people, all in the course of learning to double click and locate the startup menu), and that's my week point. But then again the partnership and contests can help a lot for these matters. Plus there are ways to deploy infrastructures for this, aside contact with the service /media providers: the process of selling is automated, the marketing is not. Got to hunt clients, but they can buy without me. But no, I don't have customers yet, I have people interested in paying other activities of mine, but not the cool Java cream until I got my engineer degree. The fact is, I already spend most of my free time developping and doing stuff for me, I already bloat my weeks with extra developments until late hours and stupid stuff like that, only that this time I'll be able to do it without moving from home, and the ten hours spent in transports will automagically turn into development. So yes, I got the stamina/will: I do not want to do anything else, it is my dream at reach, and without huge risks... Takes deep breath... [This message has been edited by InI (edited 04-30-2003).]
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