OZONE Asylum
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HELP...Release of development files!!!
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Wow, thanks guys. In hindsight, I can't recall a time where I actually released development files for Flash since there is a lot that goes into the technique and even the scripting practices. For graphic design work, I always do as it is the substance of the visual material that is being sold for future identity material; so PSDs always get sent alongside other formats. I guess I should really come up with a way to manage this in the contract. My concern then for the future would be incorporation of a new and original technique in a movie that might be easily reproduced by others due to releasing them to other firms. In the past I have done website overhauls that had existing Flash files within them and never had any luck with getting the original development files and either could the client. I was under the assumption that you are really giving up your toolbox when this occurs. I think I am going to release the file (not too proud of the animation anyway) with a small release fee. Thank you for your input guys, I feel better about this now.
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