OZONE Asylum
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HELP...Release of development files!!!
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I know this is late but I don't typically frequent this topic. I work in the architecture industry, an industry that revolves around transfer of information in hard copy and digital formats. The way that we look at it is that any work done for a client is their property. They have paid us for the service and they deserve to recieve the product of that service. The DESIGN that is within the product... is the artist's (in my case the architect's). The client, though they own the file, does not have the right to reuse it in a different fashion (i.e. Build another set of offices identical to the one my firm designed or use your flash on a different web site) or distribute it without express permission. As a professional courtesy we release the files without qualm but there are times, such as in your case, where your work is being used in ANOTHER design. That should carry a fee in my mind. From the new artist, not from your original client. That fee would depend, as Bitdamaged said, on the usage of your work. That's how we deal with it at any rate. Of course this opens the whole [i]'intellectual property'[/i] debate again but... I digress. [img]http://www.zeloutis.com/art/gdtrans.gif[/img]
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