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Average price for one line of code?
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I'm now reading a book on Software Engineering. They say that LOC (Lines Of Code) is a very bad measurement for determining cost. Consider the following.... The following table provides rough estimates of the average number of lines of code required to build one function point in various programming languages: Programming Language: LOC per Functional Point (average) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Language: 320 LOC C: 128 LOC COBOL: 106 LOC FORTRAN: 106 LOC Pascal: 90 LOC C++: 64 LOC Ada95: 53 LOC Visual Basic: 32 LOC Smalltalk: 22 LOC Powerbuilder: 16 LOC SQL 12 LOC ------------------------------------------------------------------ What is a Function Point? You ask? I'm not sure, but from what I can tell it is a count of all the things the software is capible of doing. This is a better measure of how to charge because if you write something is a wordy language (I.E. Cobol) as opposed to a language in which the programs can be written quickly (I.E. Perl) you more lines of code for the same level of functionality. So if you write it in Cobol you will be inheritly ripped off by the company. If you charge the comany by the hour, they will not know what is taking so long and will inheritly feel ripped off. Where as if you charge them based on functional points, they will know what they are being charged for, and you can tell them what is taking so long, but they will not be charged more for it. There is a figure in the book that tells you how to calculate the functional points of a program but I as of yet don't understand it. I can give you the title of the book, it's very good (and complex I'm afraid). Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman It is calculated based on the number of user inputs, user outputs, user inquiries, files, external interfaces, that the program has. Well I hope this helped, I'm only just learning this stuff myself. [img]http://nweb.pct.edu/homepage/student/LEEAND00/Andy-SIG.gif[/img] - [url=http://nweb.pct.edu/homepage/student/LEEAND00/AndyFullSize.jpg]Biggie[/url] - Face the Present - AIM: MASKKKK [url=http://nickciske.com/tools/binary.php] 01001101011000010111001101101011011010110110101101101011[/url]
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