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I have a big issue. If you are sending out the link to your website then you are going to have some trouble. I do not want to have to download your resume to see it. I want a resume easily available to me for quick viewing, so make a HTML version and place a link to it prominently, from that page supply a link to your other versions. Your using PHP so it would be nice to put your resume in XML format and then parse it with an XSLT which would transform it to a PDF, word, text, HTML ect. The next issue is that your website does not contain a .doc version the word link gives me the HTML file. Since I could not see your word version I will go off of your text version which is far too long. I want a resume I read to be a page. If I ask for more information then send me your CV/portfolio. I don't want more info unless I need it. I generally handled about 5 resumes a week that got through initial reviews so I would spend a little more time on them but generally you get about 10 to 30 seconds. That is you get a quick once over to make sure everything is in order, and then you will get passed off. Now, if you are just sending out your resume you will lose. I get a resume and generally I say, "I don't really need extra help." You need to make it a point to go into the business which you want to work with and ask for the person in charge of the area you are attempting to get into. You give them your resume and ask them some questions about the job, let them ask you some questions. If you are now a face with the resume it is going to give you an advantage. If you are justing sending out resume I am not going to even think twice about you if your resume isn't exactly what I want. You have to see yourself the whole package not just your piece of paper. -Dan-
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