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Not sure it hasn't been covered as I am out of time, but this: [quote] This is a reasonable request, but if I write a complete proposal, I will be giving them enough information they can take the proposal and develop the project themselves. [/quote] I used to be very careful about this, and my way of handling this was: providing a comprehensive, non technical list of tasks/elements. Like "Project 1" - does this task (plain non technical english) - allows user to perform this or that (plain non technical english) - etc... WITHOUT technical details: rarely, very rarely, a few notes about the programming languages you would suggest, but a few notes. Work without a salary is wasted time. Had I had to really show something convincing, and I once did it for a quite large project (what a mistake, my time wasted, their money spared), I'd have protected it as well as I could. I did, wasted a few weeks, didn't get the contract, and promised myself it would be the last time. For a website, it isn't easy to protect your stuff, but going too far on the "giving the (potential) customer comfort" is plain silly, so opt for printed screencaps to stuff up the proposal if they really need to "see" something. It works as in seduction: being polite and available, responsive, is necessary and shows you do care. Licking (nether regions) is showing that you will do a lot to match their expectations, and that they can use you, your wife and your dog too. If they're stressing this, I'd probably give it a very limited try (putting together an unusable but explicit demo and non-technical list I mentionned above), and if they complain, like "can't you show us some live template or a more detailed outline?", I'd gently remind them that a detailed plan should be established once they have established they want you: as you stated, putting together such a plan already is providing a usable work, it already deserves a salary. After that, as in seduction, if they want you, they'll bow down or will try to negotiate the price and it's up to you to set your limits, keeping in mind they want you already. If they don't, tell them to close the door as they leave, smile and move along: ex to next.
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