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Toys and professionalism? Selling oneself with something like...
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Yeah, that is right, Dan's attitude is not. I am talking about the attitude, not the arguments, although I don't think my site design is shitty: I don't claim to be a designer after all. I also had an answer ready when the Asylum went under a Gremlins attack, so sorry, I have to adress the idiocies vomitted two posts above in no particular order. A frist resume look means ten seconds, a second look, one minute, a potential interview, a couple more minutes: would I have to recruite, I'd love to have *anything* to check out before talking. Anyway, on to Dan's ramble: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, I disregard it because it has led nowhere: opting for my first choice opened doors instead. I disregard it because it has proven pompositiy to an extent on top of uselesness: how dare you speak about my "accomplishments that look better on paper"? No names calling here as this isn't worth it, but honestly, who do you think you are? At least, show something that would make your high experience so clear and valuable you can afford to critic my "accomplishments". Or shut the hell up as politeness would have me do. As any five years old child here would. I'd never overlook DL-44's painting work, for instance. [quote] The real reason I wouldn't include your site on a resume is because it is a damn shitty site. Your main "InI" graphic is suffering from an extreme case of the jaggies. Your prominent W3 validation icons have been modified to crap. Your "ourWalls" ruler makes no sense, your menu has no style to it. Your color choices are monochromatic bore. [/quote] You got site reviews for this, however, your pissy poor paintings and pissy poor attempts at web pages, so far, don't make you a valuable coder, nor a graphic artist or designer to me. Let alone the fact you are insulting me again and pointing out ways in which I would have "copied" Doc's work: man, you think all rulers in the world are copyrighted? About your high regard on Switzerland, well, Switzerland is a fiscal heaven, as well as an educational heaven. Philip Morris International, BAT, and the United Nations have their worldly siege here too. Among monsters, among private banks, among fortunes: from David Bowie to Michael Schumacher, billionaires live here, near my town. This, and that: [quote] Especially the ones who are gay. [/quote] Off topic, or I expressed myself badly: I meant super straight in terms of open mindedness, not sexual orientation. Expanding on this would be useless, unless sexual preferencies and profession are somehow related to you. ... And you dare to call yourself tolerant: you blatantly hide behind the "big companies in your super town", your wowish contacts and how much of a great teamleader you were, and how strict you were at hiring clerks, so.. What do you have to show? In words, you've proven you're arrogant, extremely intolerant, incapable of separating your personal opinion from criticism (my site IS shitty, it's not "shitty to YOU", you're stating the absolute: should I call you God?). You've also proven you know nothing about where I live, but nevertheless, dared to make a comparison, suggest I am some peasant, etc. I may never have had to sort resumes for clerks in a computer shop or Kodak store, but as shitty as my stuff is, I can SHOW it. Unlike your arguments. Let alone the fact such an ego doesn't make for a good worker imho... rather for a mouth full of.. air. Thank you divine breeze.... and when you got something useful to say, head to the server side forum and try to make a point for a change. Ah, you had that question: [quote] So here is a question. What does not placing a site on a resume have to do with not being yourself in front of a recruiter? [/quote] Hiding stuff I am proud of and happy with is hiding part of myself. It is choosing to dump a hobby I have put time in and show other sides of me. It's a choice I won't make. [small](Edited by [internallink=947]InI[/internallink] on 05-18-2004 00:21)[/small]
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