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Toys and professionalism? Selling oneself with something like...
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I have never claimed that my grammar or spelling was anything worthwhile =). I would claim that I do know the corporate enviornment very well. You have to realize that Rochester the city that I live in, is a hub of corporate America. Kodak, Xerox, Bauch and Lomb, Heidelberg (this is Kodak now), Johnson and Johnson, IBM, and others, the first three have their worldwide corporate headquarters here. This boils down to a whole lot of corporate experience. All of my friends are the engineering type and work as either code monkeys or as managers in these companies. I am friends with managers in Heidelberg and Kodak. My cousin was the manager responsible for the entire Kodak.com redesign. I know people who work in human resources for these companies, and I know people from one end to the other who are a part of these corporations. Rochester is a small town with a ton of big business. What this boils down to is that it is not a lack of open mindedness, but a whole lot more open mindedness than you exhibit. I don't know what the average swiss employer is. I know that in my area and where I work the average employer is a large corporation with a relatively big budget and a human resources department with a limited hiring vision. Maybe the average swiss shop is not like this, it could be the little mom and pop type shop where the hiring department is Joe "I run this company" Smith. All I know is that working with big business A means that you get nice benifits a 401k plan and an acceptable salary. I know that working with Mom and Pop doesn't offer all of this. You make you $20 and hour with mom and pop and are normally on your own for the benifits and retirement. The same type of people work at both operations. You have to pick what you want. Thats your call I can't make that one for you. But your ideals of the corporation style is a bit off-center. I go out to the Bars and to concerts (think Phil Colins, Talking Heads) with my manager friend from Heidelberg, have clam bakes and camping excursions with my cousin who worked with Kodak. I go out drinking and pool and darts with my Xerox code monkey friends. And I am sure that all of them would have something to say about your "'white collar super-straight dude' personality" thing. Especially the ones who are gay. See the problem here is you just don't know what the hell you are talking about. So here is a question. What does not placing a site on a resume have to do with not being yourself in front of a recruiter? Have you ever been responsible for hiring employees for technical positions? I have. You know what I do and the people I work with do? We give the resume 10 seconds. We have to many of them to give it more than that. Quick scan look for buzz words, if we see them we put the resume in a separate pile. We then go through those and check out the sites, when we are looking for web people. If you are going to put your personal site on your resume it better wow the crap out of me, because that shows what your actual coding practices and creativity are. If I am not wowed immediately I am more likely to send you a rejection letter. Business sites are looked at a whole lot differently, because they tend to be team efforts, and we only look at what you were responsible for. Now, I was trying not to be a huge asshole, and my comment was toned down a whole bunch, but if I am being claimed an asshole I better go the whole nine. The real reason I wouldn't include your site on a resume is because it is a damn shitty site. Your main "InI" graphic is suffering from an extreme case of the jaggies. Your prominent W3 validation icons have been modified to crap. Your "ourWalls" ruler makes no sense, your menu has no style to it. Your color choices are monochromatic bore. You might have some cool applets and toys in there but they are hidden behind a site that doesn't do them justice. That is why I sugest that this site doesn't go on a resume. But then again disreguard all of this because I can't spell and don't have proper grammar and am frighteningly close minded. [url=http://www.codetown.org] [img]http://www.codetown.org/img/sig/robot_002.gif[/img] [/url]
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