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Toys and professionalism? Selling oneself with something like...
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Note: I just realized this discussion initially took place 2 months ago and that its only now become brought back up. I typed my reply and didn't want it to go to waste. Ini, I don't know if it matters whether or not you have your personal website on your resume or not. Depending on what you want to do it most likely won't ever be looked at anyway. If your looking for a job with a corporation that sees more then a dozen job applications a day, they probably won't take the time to fire up FireFox or Internet Explorer and check out your home page. Also, as Dan pointed out, while your a talented programer, the design on your website isn't much better then ordianry. If someone did take the time out to look at your site, I don't know if they would be immediately impressed. Perhaps if they took some time to look through your things, but I don't know how much time you expect a company to devote to looking at a resume. Bandwagon American Since 9/11/01
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