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Patrick: Looking good a few quick thoughts before bed: 1. The banner and its positioning really unbalance the page. I'd either centre it or try and fit it in a wider box with a similar patter as a background or something (that idea doesn't sound so good as I type it). 2. I'd not use those DDMs for navigation - they just don't look very nice and I had great fun with my mousewheel sending me to random pages once I'd got the focus on them (my own fault I'll admit but a thought). I might go for more of a DHTML menu which reveals the options when you click on the link (a more complex one was mentined in a thread started by FatRod in the DHTML forum). If someone had JavaScript disabled they would be useless and importantly I suspect they would stop site indexing robots in there track (a very bad idea). 3. Extra characters at the start of your TITLE tag are never a good idea and give me little idea what the button is when it appears as a button on my task bar. 4. I presume that not using capitals is trendy but it makes it very difficult for someone to scan your pages written content (people tend not to read most of the content on web pages). 5. Streaming radio - I listen to [url=http://www.xfm.co.uk]www.xfm.co.uk[/url] a lot at the moment (worth checking out). The plans sound interesting and I look forward to developments. More later, ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=53]Emperor[/url]
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