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Patrick: I think only you can decide the features but we can help you knock around ideas to make sure they are implemented well. Have a read through DmS' tutorial that he is submitting to the GN (and throw any comments you have into the 'Tutorial Submissions' forum): [url=http://www.dmsproject.com/test/gurustexts/design_1.html]www.dmsproject.com/test/gurustexts/design_1.html[/url] Basically the features will grow out of things like the area you are focusing on and the audience you are trying to attract. We went over features a while back and my comments still stand there (links, albums with reviews, a band database pos. hooked into the albums) the key is to implement them well (oops repeating myself) and try and make them as sticky as possible so lots of user interaction (voting, adding comments, etc.) Its this stage that is the trickiest - try not to flood your site with too many features and try not to loose the sites' focus (which is where the above tutorial comes in handy too). Keep usinformed of progress. ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=53]Emperor[/url]
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