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u-neek: Hope it all went well. I'll have a look at the problem page tomorrow but on the stylesheet swapping: I read the ALA article and it is rather a brute force way of doing things (I'm not sure but doesn't it involve the page reloading? You may as well go server side for that). We kicked the whole topic around here: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum2/HTML/001042.html]www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum2/HTML/001042.html[/url] and there a two ways really: 1. The most cross-browser way (without doing it the ALA way) which the Doc fixed to be as X-browser as possible, i.e. it won't support NS4.x. There is even an example of how it works provided by the Doc (nice example too). 2. The DOM way which I presented. Its much neater code but is less cross-browser - IE and recent NS6 (I know it didn't work in NS6.0 but it should in later varieties). Either one will do - the first relies on switching on one stylsheet while disabling the others the second switches the source of the stylesheet. Pick whichever one you like. Slightly further down the list I outline how to make this all much simpler to maintain and upgrade by only using one stylesheet which is generated externally. This will work with either script again. Its all pretty straightforward for someone with your coding skills but I might not have explained things properly so feel free to ask questions if something isn't clear. Emps [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/emps_oz_sig.gif[/img] [b]Beware the foreparts of a woman, the hindparts of a mule, and all sides of a priest[/b] - English proverb
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