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Ok I need to start reviewing again after being ill and sorting things out over the last week or so. So u-neek a full review it is then :D, but I think the new Imac image is a bit of an advantage as it looks so good ;), so it makes the whole page look good but anyway.... Layout: Nice, simple & clean. The navigation is simple so easy to find your way around if your not a web nut (like some of us in here). Graphics: Not much graphics apart from the top images, and there nicely blend to the colours with the site, with what colour the users chooses. It's nice that the images change, yet I like it but think some of the images don't really go with pages content, but that?s me just being picky. Browser check: IE 6 = Fine NS 4 = A mess compared with other browsers, or is that just my NS4 NS 6 = Fine Opera 5 = Fine Overall: I like it because it's well thought out and planed site, I like the colours and user options you have given as in page colours and images, which to me adds more to the experience to the users of the site. A part form NS4 problems (which hardly gets used anyway) it's fine and I have not found any problems with it. Well done, can't think of any improvements with this site. [Eidt just adding opera's make No.] [url=http://www.ccdigital.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/]Chris C[/url] [This message has been edited by Darkshadow (edited 01-11-2002).]
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