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definitely a new style
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NT: not that many pages, but I do a full a review still. Layout: I like it (love people breaking out of silly web standards stuff and personalise they site), the content is easily seen and where the content would be on other pages not done. It is simple but yet looks good if done right with the right graphic work (I'll mention more in the graphics part). If I was you try and make a mouse over on your links on the left, so people no what there mouse is over and bigger screen sizes. Don't make the roll over a big of a change like a black or green colour, make it more fit in with you pages colours (try a white). Graphics: Nice graphics but I think the left bar is a bit plain compared to the top graphics on your pages. maybe graphic it up more than just black. I don't know if it's me but you top page graphics did'nt seem to fit the first time I looked and now I have stared at it I?m starting to like them, but put some heading text with in the top graphics so people now where they are (that probably why I think they don't fit in, but still confused over it), just an idea I thought of concerning the graphics and thought I would share, The idea is have the left bar graphic, but the top page graphic is different to have meaning with the page content, but fits in with the left graphic very easily (get what I mean if not it's just an idea :p). Browser check: IE 6 = Fine NS 4 = The white right bar is gone and you have a grey bar under you content table (very bottom of the page. snowboarding page the images with the text next to them gets covered with the text. NS 6 = Fine Opera 5 = Fine Overall: Great just a few problems with NS4, which can be fixed for a full cross browser site. The only thing I still confused about your graphics and how they fit, because your site is dark and the graphics are a mixture of dark and colourful, which does not fit, but the more you look at it the more you look the top graphics. This maybe me about the graphics thing :confused: . keep working on it add a few things and think it will look great with the right things, very nice ;). [url=http://www.ccdigital.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/]Chris C[/url]
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