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Hi Axel! OK, let's start with the entry. Why *do* we have an entry page? Are there keywords hidden there, or a pre-loader? If so, this page should have some text and/or toys to keep you occupied, otherwise it does not add to the "axelclarkeuk" experience and should be eliminated. (ouch! :-) On to the content page. I like the orange (I'm funny that way, I love orange!) but I think the header is too tall for the content, it'll look good on monitors with enough resolution, but for many configurations will take up most of the page. Perhaps you could keep the tall header just for the 'entry', have your links here, and maybe some highlighted links you'd prefer people to follow. On the inner pages, you could make a trimmed down version of the header and leave more space for content, hmm? The top link mouseover images don't work now, I assume you already know that. Once you follow one of those links, there doesn't seem to be any link back to the main.html page, I'd suggest making your name and the big image to the left the link back there. Most of the information on the main page seems like it all should belong somewhere, like one of those links above? If you want that poresentation of yourself on the front page, I'd suggest a more concise version of it, with a link to the full roster of accomplishments and proficiencies. Overall, I'd say a good effort, though it needs some more work. To sum up, I'd recommend: 1)eliminate the entry page, 2) make the 'main.html' page more concise, and use it as your entry, then 3) build a smaller, more streamlined version of the look/feel for the internal content pages. I'd love to see you do more with this. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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