OZONE Asylum
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i'm pretty new to this
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Well the site is not really that bad. There are a few thing though. The text on the "updates" section is really hard to read on that background. The grey bar under that picture of the band and updates, doesn't really serve a purpose. Not really sure why it's there. I think that the interface needs some work. I'm not really sure that it works. I would like to see something different. It works but if you are just going to have some buttons then I would like to see something different besides just squares. Know what I mean? With the "pics" page, I would organize them a little better instead of just having them there. Maybe a dHTML tool tip that will tell you who these people are or something. Check out [url=http://www.razorart.com/walls.php]RazorArt[/url] for an example. There are some websites that will describe how to do this. For each of the pages it would be nice to have a header telling the viewer where they are. Like [b]PICS[/b] in the middle of the page over the images with some nice photoshop effects or something. You have the startings of a pretty good idea with the "AUDIO" page with the rollovers. I think that it needs something more though. Maybe have the buttons be something like a cassett tape or cd with the title or something. I think that you need some more colors most of all though. It is kind of boring as it is. You have a pretty good start but you have a lot of work to do. Good luck. Later, C:\ ~Binary is best~ [This message has been edited by CPrompt (edited 01-28-2002).]
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