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Well I think that you have a pretty good start but you have a lot of work to do. Just about all of the text is almost impossible to read. I had to hover over the buttons and look at the status bar to find out what the pages were. The body of the document doesn't seem to be expanding across the width of the screen. There is about a one inch gap on the right hand side that looks really strange. It would be real nice to have some different pictures on the pages instead of seeing the same picture just different colors. You are going to make the JavaScript and CSS external right? Well you have a start but you have a lot of work to do. Make the page liquid so that it will expand the size of my screen. When I look at this on my 1280x1024 machine, that right side is going to really annoy me. Make it so I can read it. I should have to wonder what I am looking at or what I'm clicking on. I think that the arrows for the scrollbar are OK but, the top one needs to be flipped vertically. Not positioned the same way for up and down. Later, C:\ ~Binary is best~
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