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c0s: CPrompt sums up a lot of my concerns so here are my thoughts: 1. The text in your content area is difficult to read as it is partly overlapped by the graphical borders (and there is occasinally the odd 'blink' from them). 2. The dark part of those borders has a small white border which looks out of place against that black background (I'd get rid of it and it would look smoother). 3. You need keyword and description metatags. 4. That gap on the right is caused by this CSS: [code] left: 347; .... width: 383px [/code] I'd try using relatively sized DIVs that float so that you can get it to fit on any resolution. Absolute positioning isn't really helping your design (I think you might even be better off with tables as you are already using them!!). 5. The scroll buttons are virtually the same - why not give us a clue that they are scroll buttons. 6. The link buttons across the top are still too subtle. 7. When I go to code and select PHP (actually all of them) the sorry message is so dark it is difficult to even tell if it is there. 8. You're pages would download quicker if the CSS and JavaScript were external. Overall it is an excelllent (and very individual) look you have there and with a few tweaks it could be very good indeed (esp. as most of the niggles are relatively minor). Good work. Emps
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