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AerynShine: Welcome. And for the lazy amongst us (myself included) the working link is: [url=http://www.SiriusConcept.com]www.SiriusConcept.com[/url] [edit: and eyezaer beat me too it - it looks like I'm not the only one who is that lazy!!] I must say that that splash page is awful - I'd recommend getting rid of it and having a link to the old design from the introduction of your new design. Some thoughts: 1. Fill in your keyword and description metatags. 2. There a few more things that CSS can do away with like: [quote] <p> </p> <hr color="#000000"> [/quote] 3. The code is good and clean (although I would have thought that all that white space would have been annoying for you!!) with a nicely implemented CSS-only layout and then for some reason there is a table tagged on in the navigation area. It seems a bit odd after going to all that effort to put one in where it isn't needed. 4. Do you have a fax number? If not think of getting a free one to email - the more ways to contact you the better!! 5. I'm not sure why we need the date at the top (its not a news site). 6. I do like your portfolio page. 7. Its odd that you are using blogger - why not roll your own as a demonstration for clients? Have a look at DmS': [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/php/dynamic_php_mysql_1.html]www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorials/php/dynamic_php_mysql_1.html[/url] Overall it is a really well put together site that looks good and works well. Well done. If you are going to stick around think about getting yourself on the Asylum web ring. Emps [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/emps_oz_sig.gif[/img] [b]A good buttock will always find a bench for itself[/b] - Estonian proverb [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 02-13-2002).]
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