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Humm... No real player here either. Although I ditched that shitty background app it installed automaticaly. I really don't like third party browser plugins trying to take over my puter. Maybe it's how you've got things set up on your puter eyez? The double click & drag thing is definatly not intuitave. Hopefully you can fix that. :) I just lover the colours. I've always had a huge thing for orange and yellow tones but I've never been able to make them work the way I want them to. I've labled Orange and Yellow my elusive colours. Anyway... I actualy think the orange background for the site gets a little too intensive when you close all the windows. Maybe overlaying a subtle background image might help to break up the giant glowing orange square thing you've got happening there. [b]"Best Viewed in xxxxxxxxx resolutions"[/b] :rolleyes: Come on Duci, you should know by now that people aren't gonna change their screen res just to view your website. [b]"Site opens in fullscreen Window"[/b] Again, you should know better. Although, you are warning people which might help stem that auto close reflex I've developed from surfing all those war... um, yeah all those por.... oh. Well, you know. Those site that have all the popup's and stuff. Yeah. I like the simplistic style and minimal insets you've got going. Although, I'm not liking the white borders on the buttons. Actualy, you seem to be 1px wide white highlight crazy. The dark grey panels have the same tone highlight as the light grey ones. As does the orange panels... It kinda stands, Good? Bad? eh, I've have to see it done differently to decide on that one I think. I also noticed a 1px orange line down along the right hand margin... Is that meant to be there? Appart from that I like it. Simple duo tone sites have always apealed to me. :) Oh. You could try tinting the grey tones ever so slightly to shift the mood of the colour scheme. I try not to use compeletly unsaturated grey tones. They just look lifeless and dull to me. [url=http://www.dracusis.f2s.com] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/ozone/sig-dogtags-small2.gif[/img] [/url]
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