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Site re-done w/ CSS and optimized...
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grats42: The site is coming along nicely there - the look is a lot cleaner and simpler and I like the new bar on te side selling yourself. Just a few quick comments: 1. The text in that left bar is hard up against the left hand side of the screen so I'd add some CSS padding there (and on the what do we do? bits). 2. If that bar is going to be white then there needs to be a contarst between it and the main page (which is an off-white). Perhaps a simple black line would work. 3. There are an awful lot of empty TD tags so I'd sort them - if it is for vertical spacing then use CSS. 4. You still need keyword and description metatags. Keep up the good work its looking much improved. Well done. I'll go and shut down the other thread and so people can keep their comments here (although remember to check out the previous thread). [edit: Previous thread URL: [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum6/HTML/000786.html]www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum6/HTML/000786.html[/url] ] Emps [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 02-15-2002).]
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