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trying out css (and html...and graphic design...)
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I'm probably not ready to be posting this here...but I've found the advice on this forum to be pretty valuable, and I'd like some design tips. [url=http://www.geocities.com/clevergeek/ttv/index.html]Inside Tapping the Vein[/url] Here's the scoop... I'm new to graphic design, css, and doing things correctly (with pretty much everything). I haven't been ok'd to use more of the band's images yet, so that's why the same logo appears on every page, why there are no extra graphics, and why I use a pop-up on the graphics section. Eventually, I'll only pop-up the off-site links (and all of the main catagories other than music will be on-site). Once I get my server up and running on the network, I'll add in my forum code, and some extra goodies...trim the pages down to next to nothing with server-side file includes, and register tappingthevein.org. I'm red-green color blind, which can be quite a setback when trying to develope sane (and web-safe) color schemes and graphics...thus my reliance on #990000 and #000099. I've seen lots of great advice here about using css for vertical spacing instead of tables and br's, but I haven't been able to find a way to make it work properly... Also, despite looking decent now...it really doesn't have much of a "finished" look...or professional flare. I made the banner graphic in photoshop, and although I think it's decent (on my machine, at least...), as a 128 color selective gif, I can't make one that dithers properly at 256... When I try to change it from selective to web palet is goes all to heck. Any advice of any kind on graphics, code, design, or basic site improvments is greatly appreciated! Thanks, clv [This message has been edited by clevergeek (edited 02-15-2002).]
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