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Omera: Welcome back (there is always a spare chair next to the fire!!). I like the look and feel of your page but it really only works well in IE (I'm using 6 but I assume it will also work in 5). I'm looking at it in Op6 and it completely falls apart. None of my browsers seems very willing to provide the source of any page at the moment so I can't dig out the problem but as it appears to affect everything I would suspect it may be related to the strategy you've used to create the page but I'll have to get back to you on this when I have access to the source (I know I could save the page and then view it but...). The only other thing that I noticed was when I put the mouseover the thumbnails they shifted about a pixel right which would suggest to me that you have too much margin or padding set on the a:hover or not enough on your a:link style. Overall your page looks good and works well in IE but Opera seems to indicate there is a problem with your coding (as it is more strict on its interpretation than IE) but I suspect it should be an easy thing to fix once I've tracked it down. AS an aside I suspect that is an iframe with all your thumbnails in and that is a bad idea as it blocks all the content to NS4.x users (and there are still plenty of them out there) but I do like what you've done with the scrollbars!! More later when things start behaving themselves at this end. Emps
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