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Sire Review well ok the front page
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tomeaglescz: Welcome. As far as I can tell what you are asking for is a critique of your splash screen and, although I don't want to sound like a stuck record, the first thing I'd say is why do you need it? I'm no fan of splash pages as they are completely uneccesary in 98% of the cases I've seen so far (although for what they are the both look OK). If you are doing something with your main pages that bloat them up to such a size you'd need one then I'd question the wisdom of that move too. If your boss/client wants one and you really can't convince them otherwise then fine - either one will do as no-one is going to stick around looking at it instead those that haven't closed your page in fit of pique will hit the enter button annoyed at the fact that you have wasted some of their valuable time by putting an extra uneccesary step between them and your content. Perhaps I'd better save some of that for the 'why I hate splash screens' thing I'm sketching out (to go with 'why I hate pop ups', 'why I hate iframes' and 'why I dislike tables'!!). Anyway enough of that they are both OK although things like lens flares only impress people a couple of times are their oveuse makes people a little tired of them by now!! If you want a more detailled critique of the actual graphic then I can move this to the PhotoShop forum. [edit: Oh and The Nude Factory (nice address!!) - I'm not sure that stuff like this would be OK in the main forum but we should also realise that an awful lot of online work is in the adult sector and they are often pushing the envelope in certain areas so its a legitimate area as any for a review (if not a MS will be along to edit the thread). Anyway my main thought is it seems a little cliched (the film logo and the candy colours) but that may be what your one hand typists out there want from a site - something familiar that isn't too difficult to navigate and the film theme is carried over into other areas which is good. My main concern would be the text done as a graphic - you are in a tough competitve world where search engine rankings are pretty critical actually having text which can be read by a robot and indexed is very important indeed (it also helps correcting the odd typo). I'm also not really sure what the site is for - if it is to showcase someones talents then the contact info isn't prominent. The navigation is confusing and you should never have a picture sitting on its own - embed it into a HTML page and provide forwards and backwards links as well as a link up to the level above and to your copyright and contact information. I should also point out that for glamour photgrpahs they are pretty poor quality (out of focus and poorly framed) and it gives the impression of cheapness. If it is the intention to present a clean professional facade then it could really do with some more work (go and look at the opposition to see what they are doing - some of those sites are award winningly slick) but if it is just to put some nude pictures up on the internet (for an undefined purpose) then it doesn't even do that well as it is difficult to drill down the layers of the site (or get back up to the top again). I just don't feel it works at whatever it is supposed to be doing. What you should do is move that about us up to the top and add more written material as well as copyright notices and better, more consistent navigation. Emps [This message has been edited by Emperor (edited 02-23-2002).]
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