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new version of ozonicLabs.com? - "Need input!"
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that's super cool, as usual. I love your newer work Doc. I love your older work as well, you are usually a man for the times, breaking new ground. I'm watching closely where you go with this cuz the dilema is one that I can't quite get over: fun factor or corporate? What Ini says about the 'common people' I've found to be very true, the more movement the richer their experience. Seems just the opposite for the high ranking corporate types, they want to get at the information, quick, and the other stuff just slows them down, and almost, if not always, makes them giggle like the superior would at the inferior. When designing the site, as always I guess: who are you talking to? Clearly there's the common folks and the corporate money guys. I've been in meetings a few times where some unsuspecting rube whips out his Power Point presentation full of animated points flying in from the left onclick and the directors and vps make that noise, you know the one where air escapes the nose when stifling a hard belly laugh? It's just distracting to them. The unsuspecting rube though it was cool and would emphasize the point cuz after all, they don't allow unsuspecting rubes laser pointers. Your design, I'd like a nice highlight color, it is a little bland in the color regard. Extremely cool though, balanced, easy nav, and I'm big gradient fan. On the nav though, when you travel downward to click text, the link actually runs *away* from you. That may be just enough frustration to make a corporate big-whig snap :) Jason
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