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new version of ozonicLabs.com? - "Need input!"
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Yup. I should add that what I saw at the php level, about larkan, was not only clean, right, and apparently secure (still don't have found anything negative to say about it), but very appealing, easy to use, a perfect interface with a steady backend. Asylumnites, DocOzone+php = loads of promises. What then, when I'll have those Java tuts ready.. muhahhaha. Doc, there was a problem with some of your "personal" site designs, though: Here in Switzerland, the clientele is mostly banks and industrials, Philip Morris wolrd is here in Lausanne, JTI Tobacco in Geneva, The United nations in Geneva, etc.. Large headquarters. Those people seem to consider some of your designs as "unprofessional", in that they're "too funny" with a too intense toy factor, too flashy graphics, or God knows what (I think that clientele really sucks, [url=http://www.pictet.com]www.pictet.com[/url] gives you an example of what they like, but [url=http://www.erag.ch]www.erag.ch[/url] gives you an example of what they help to teach..) If you want a critique, it's the only one I've got, the new sober line of Ozoniclabs 2 seems to be a better line, try to keep it tight.
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