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new version of ozonicLabs.com? - "Need input!"
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Yow, that's banding all right! I've become such a hardware bigot, how did that happen? I totally missed the fact that 16bit color still was out there, this is one of the reasons I avoided beige and pale greys for so long, the browsers never quite figured what to do with them at 16bit, they almost look better at 8 bit, hrmph. Oh, I'm on some kind of rulers "thing" these last few months, the first incarnation of ozonicLabs was the start of it, and I'm planning on just running them into the ground for a while, (at least till they start to get old for me too, heh heh.) As for skinning, I see that as a definite down the line a bit, but first I'll just make the darn thing work, that'd make me happiest right now. I've got the "swoopy" function implemented on the buttons now, that looks good to me, but the 'active link' color is really harsh, I think I'll tone that down a bit, yuck! Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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