Blue seems to be a popular color and can make for GREAT photos. So, look around you and find something unique. Think outside the box and experiment some this week.
A few guidelines:
1. Photo needs to go along with the subject in some way.
2. Use thumbnails for photos with any dimension larger than 450 px or over 40 kb.
3. Post as many as you want.
4. At the end of the week the person who chose the topic will pick someone to choose the next topic. This isn't a "winner," just someone who gets to suggest the next topic.
5. No critiques (unless requested) this is just to share our photos.
6. No sigs.
Woo! Shiii! Another great usual. I like the effect there, and it seems any shot you do where there's only one colour focus in it turns out great.
*gives Shiii a round of applause*
Asptamer: Love the wing shot soon as I get a camera (and learn how to use it) my brother-in law's gonna take me glider flying...then we'll see some airial shots.
This isn't a contest. It's just to get people out taking photos and learning. This week it's blue. So if you got a photo that says blue...PLEASE post and join in
Awesome photos Flea ! I love that 2nd one I would love to do photojouralism photos. I have a few. Mainly my homeless lady, Living On Faith. I think she's on my main site if you click my sig. Anyway, GREAT photos
thanks, i enjoy doing photojournalism work .. every day is a new experience ... here is another shot that is blue hehe ... i took it the same day as the one you like ...
a lot of times tho i dont have time to stop and look at the small things with this job .. i would say that is the only drawback.
eyezaer, I think this is a bit like yours.
asptamer, I don't think I've ever been quite that high great shot for an earthhugger like me.
Shiiizzzam, I'm almost speechless great work.
cyoung, "what a whoppa" is that a Pike?
axleclarkeuk, dude,,
Morph, I can see a face, look, can you?
Flea, (re, stopping to look at the small things) Oh you've gotta do that, even if it's only long enough to take a Macro shot of the weeny tings, then you can stare at the beauty of them any time you like.
aurora, Tea? Great clean image, I had a glance at your other "potopages" too, some great images there. You've been busy haven't you
krets, I have not seen that photo before, Is that a new one to "11oh1"? Superb shot.
~~ and that brings to a close,"Tao's extended comments", brought to you curtesy of several strong cups of fresh Italian coffee~~
tao- hehe i stop and take pics when i see something unusual .. or take pics at accidents that dont pertain to what is going on so i can look at them more later ... but it doesnt happen often .. i do have a few shots i have taken that are nice ones and not photojournalism shots .. but will wait till there is a topic to post them under.
From: The northeast portion of the 30th star Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 08-27-2003 01:55
<off topic>
tao, it's a walleye, which is a relative of perch.. a big relative. This fish is about 7" shy of being a trphy fish at 23 ~and a half~ but when you're ten it's huge. He also caught a 28" pike and scads of 16 to 18 inch smallmouth bass. This years escape was a big success. This is where we went for those that like to fish. It was a very good time.
</off topic>
Lantau island, home of the Po Lin Temple, Hong Kong - some time in 1996, nearing on dusk
35mm scan, scaled to 10% to fit the size limits of the thread.
[This message has been edited by Das (edited 08-27-2003).]
Took this one especially for this POW. Enron at lunchtime:
(are these too big? The guideline said <450 px and <40kb, but mine seem to be the largest images in the thread)
[This message has been edited by Das (edited 08-27-2003).]