Looking back over the list, I see that we have had themes like cold, dark, and wet, but we haven't done warm. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to photographically interpret the concept of "warm." The theme is deliberately vague to allow for different perspectives and interpretations.
1. Photo needs to go along with the subject in some way.
2. Use thumbnails for photos with any dimension larger than 450 px or over 40 kb.
3. Post as many as you want.
4. At the end of the week the person who chose the topic will pick someone to choose the next topic. This isn't a "winner", just someone who gets to suggest the next topic.
5. No sigs
Background information and a complete list of POW topics can be found here: POW (Photo of the Week}
um... this is my first photo post, i hope I do this right...
When I think of "warm" there are a couple of definitions I think of... teddy bear "warm", in love "warm", and what I've posted,
calm of nature "warm"
This is a shot I took off Maui. no photoshop touching, just plain jane pic.
OK, I didn't want to not post a photo, so here's my stab for this week. I was taking some pictures of daisies in the sun, and then I realized that I must have taken a million pictures of daisies in the sun. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wanted to try something different. So I stuck my camera into a patch of daisies, pointed it upward, and snapped a bunch of photos. The result?
OK, it's been a week for this topic, but lately we've been going a little longer. I just wanted to bump this up and see if we can get any more contributions. I'll let it go for a few more days.
From: Darwin, NT, Australia Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 05-27-2005 07:24
Certainly doesn't look like an English back yard, Emps - if there is such a thing - it looks like a good place for some light refreshment on a sunny day
Nice piccies there briggl - that one in the desert reminds me of being lost in the desert in Arizona in my younger years ( long ago )
BTW Much as I would have liked to think of this topic, the credit goes to Suho - great topic Suho.
Certainly doesn't look like an English back yard, Emps - if
there is such a thing - it looks like a good place for some light
refreshment on a sunny day
I doubt there is such a thing but I got tired of the lawn so I got rid of it and built that (with my own fair hands - and tonnes of wood and stone ).