We all have a daily grind right? Mine goes something like this: wake, drive to office, work, drive home, go to sleep, repeat (actually much more glamorous and fulfilling but you get the idea).
I'd like to see the long and grinding road you take every day, as many stops along the way as you can muster, the constants in your life. If you're driving and taking photos and have an accident, if you're able, get some shots of the carnage as well.
Rules - well, anything important you know by now.
I generally copy and paste the rules from last week.
No, it doesn't have to be strictly a week. I haven't done a detailed statistical study yet, but two weeks seems to be more or less the norm. Basically the week ends when the person who started it decides that it ends.
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourself for the most mind-numbingly dull ride of your life! Yes, it's my daily road to work!
Ahem. We begin with this scene, which I usually see upon opening my eyes in the morning (as usual, click on pics for larger versions, though I'm not sure why you'd want to in this case)..
This is the ceiling of my bedroom. You can see the edges of the curtain on the left and an edge of the lighting fixture on the right. See that darker line on the left? That's mold. I swear, Korea has to be the moldiest place on earth. My parents (back in New Yawk) live next to a swamp, and after heavy rains the basement used to flood all the time. Yet I never saw a speck of mold. I don't think our neighborhood here is any wetter (although, in all fairness, it is a pretty damp neighborhood, especially during the unbearably muggy summers), yet we have to fight this unwinnable war on mold. Honestly, I think I would have a better chance of single-handedly winning the war on terror than the war on mold.
Uh, anyway, this is my ceiling. I am now semi-awake.
I have now gotten up, and I am preparing to wander out of the bedroom and into the kitchen area (we don't have a living room). Notice how one of the flourescent bulbs is out. I didn't actually notice this until after I took the picture. I guess I'll have to change that one of these days. Or not. We've gone long enough without it and no one has noticed until now.
Still only semi-awake at this point, I stumble into the bathroom, brush my face, and splash some cold water on my teeth. After waking up, I go back and do things the right way.
This is the mask dude that sits on the sliver of wall in between my bedroom and my study. I got him in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I have a thing for masks and nifty-looking stuff you can hang on walls.
I exchange greetings with the mask and then venture into...
My study. As you can see, the view from my study is very... green. Especially during the unbearably muggy summers.
Did I mention that the summers here are unbearably muggy?
Finally I arrive at my rather messy workplace. I only have one monitor at the moment (and a CRT at that) because my LCD died, even though it wasn't even two years old. When the LG guy came to take a look at it, he said that the LCD unit itself was gone, which meant that we might as well buy a new monitor. So the LCD is sitting beneath the desk swathed in bubble wrap, waiting for whatever the future has in store for it.
Anyway, this is where the magic happens. On screen is a pamphlet I'm translating (actually finished up this morning) for a cultural festival. Not my usual work, but that's what I happened to be doing today. Exciting stuff, huh?
These photos weren't taken on the actual journey from my bed to my desk (a total of about a dozen arduous paces, if you include the detour to the bathroom), as it's usually dark when I get up. Except during the unbearably muggy summers, when we get this gray half-light before the sun rises over the mountains.
LaSun: apparently the photo links are down. I tried taking out the URLs and plugging them into the address bar and got " We're sorry, this page is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later."
dammit. and the post is too old to edit, too. let's try this from the beginning again (all links fixed, i hope):
ooh, it worked! okay ... bear with the cellphone pictures. still working on that digital camera... anyway, my world in the morning depends on where i happen to fall asleep the night before. on this ^ particular morning, it was on mum's sofa, so no, that's not my stuffed animal and i'm not all that partial to flowers. honest.
if i wasn't so interested in money, music would be my life. i make do these days with my huge collection of CDs, which i usually head for first thing in the morning. if you're at all interested, i'll tell you somewhere more appropriate what i'm listening to now...
flies suck. i'm one of those anal people who likes my house to smell nice and be insect free. confession: these photos were taken over the last few months. this one in particular was taken once upon a time in summer...
on the days i'm not glued to my desk, i'm often in meeting after meeting, and many of those happen to be over lunch or dinner. i'm a seafood freak, so it's not a good idea to take me to a seafood joint and expect any real work out of me.
winding down at the end of the day involves frothy hot chocolate, maybe a book, maybe a DVD, but always this ratty old cushion that should really be thrown out, but ah well.
p.s. in the interest of tidiness, please feel free to delete my first, picture-less post...
I am living in a kind of wonderland, I don't really have a daily grind, so here is yesterdays grind
One thing I had to do though was power clean a patio floor, took six hours but it was fun as well.
Today I have a bit more to do in that garden and then I go hunting for squirrel and dragonfly
HAHA! This is awesome... I'm going to choose Amerasu to continue on to week 77 since I've felt warm and fuzzy since you first posted those!
I wouldn't mind if this thread was left open for eternity or made it's own forum, it helps me relate to ye orangeVerdanaPeople. Fine folks in text, 1 step better in pics.
I planned on contribbing to this one and still will one day
Being a bit thick in the head department, I totally forgot to comment on any of the various grinding roads so kindly provided by my fellow inmates.
I meant to..
I thought I had,,, a bit anyway
I guess I was far too busy trying to put together a page (or two) of my own meanderings and I forgot. Not that my comments are earth shattering or anything its just that I have enjoyed viewing everyone elses photos.
I did not want to make a slideshow of these so I just lashed together a couple of pages to present them, rather than posting twenty-four thumnails here.
Amerasu, love those photos, that sofa looks so comfortable and inviting. What kind of exercise machine is that, is it a bike? I was thinking coffee too, ground/grind Is that a mixing desk next to your computer?
Shiiizzzam, gorgeous photos of the bridge and lighthouse. I hope that car did not belong to anyone you know
I really like the way you have "framed" the photos with a thin dark line, I'll have to try that myself,
briggl, I know you do a lot of travelling, but was all that in one day, 385 miles? WoW. That Chrysler Crossfire looks pretty nifty. Who's holding the wheel while your taking those photos btw? Steady...
Suho, I feel like I've been invited into your home, thanks. Your workplace looks great, plenty of room for books and elbows. What's in that drink btw, it looks like a large Bloody Mary Oh and I can't see any mold on that ceiling. This is mold I've been trying to get some work done to the wall ever since I moved in four months ago but my housing contractors keep fobbing me off, so I sent them and my solictors that page to see if it speeds things up
LaSun, heh, I've been sleeping on my Ma's sofa recently too. I like the music you've been listening to recently (other post) that cuddly thing looks like piglet What flavour of cellphone is that you're using to take photos?
Ian, My Ma was delighted to hear your comment on the kitchen ledge, that's her kitchen and she does keep the house spotless. Getting compliments from the other side of the world totally made her day, thanks for that my friend
Jayason, I just know you must be planning to get your own photos up here soon. Get someone else to drive, so you can "fill yer boots up" with the camera on the way, I don't want to see the inside of casualty.
That's it I think, I feel better now that's all out of my system. I thought perhaps Wes would have a grind or two to show here too. Still there's plenty of time yet. I have a feeling we are not finished here. Tao
[double_doh]Oh yes here is the link to the page I was talking about earlier. It has about twenty-four photos of a journey I make quite often from my flat to either some gardens and woods I work in, or to my Ma's.[/double_doh] Wanderling Tao
I'm on walkabout again tomorrow for about a week so I wont be able to add any more comments till then. I know y'all are devastated at that, but fear not, time passes quickly.
I feel like I've been invited into your home, thanks. Your workplace looks great, plenty of room for books and elbows. What's in that drink btw, it looks like a large Bloody Mary Oh and I can't see any mold on that ceiling. This is mold I've been trying to get some work done to the wall ever since I moved in four months ago but my housing contractors keep fobbing me off, so I sent them and my solictors that page to see if it speeds things up
Yup, the desk is definitely roomy, and when I'm in the middle of a project (translation or study) it is usually covered with reference works and elbows. I usually have to ask people to take their elbows off my desk so I have somewhere to put my own.
The drink is just plain tomato juice. We've got so many tomatoes ripening now that we can't eat them fast enough, so my wife throws them in the blender with a pinch of sugar.
And dang, that certainly is some mold you've got there. The mold in my picture is probably the least severe spot in the house, because I was too embarrassed to show the other spots. None of them come close to yours, though. Then again, our house is relatively new (a few years).
ew. but yeah, i could find a bunch of photos to submit to that. sadly.
quote:LaSun, heh, I've been sleeping on my Ma's sofa recently too. I like the music you've been listening to recently (other post) that cuddly thing looks like piglet What flavour of cellphone is that you're using to take photos?
mum lives next door to me. blame that on separation anxiety - though not sure who's is worse, hers or mine =). the piglet is actually a lamb, i think. yes, i know. we NZers just love our sheep, hehe. as far as music, i'm nearly done with my 80s craze. i'm open for suggestions on a genre to get obsessed about next. hhmmmm... oh, and the cellphone is hyundai. can't remember the model... but counting down the weeks till i can get that pretty digital camera i've been admiring in the window. oooh.
quote:Amerasu, love those photos, that sofa looks so comfortable and inviting. What kind of exercise machine is that, is it a bike? I was thinking coffee too, ground/grind Is that a mixing desk next to your computer?
Thanks Tao It's a treadmill and yep, it's a mixing desk.
here's a start to my day anyhow Once we get to the point where it tails off it's usually all a blur then I get home wanting to be a zombie and the kids throttle me for happy action fun time. I'll add as I go hbopefully
warning: pure journalism and no photographic skill whatsoever
I should take this to email, I really should... I'm on the South Beach diet thing man the first week of it, I can't hardly eat anything decent! I've dropped 8 pounds tho, got a soccer game tomorrow night, we'll see if it helps.
Next time yer on Q holler and we should set somethin up.
Charleston's has wicked good fried okra get the potato soup and dip yer little okras in it. d'oh! My stomache just turned inside out, I believe it wants some.
you know, if I take time out for lunch, perhaps I could take time to take pics, thus finishing my grind, or at least furthering it. It's not like I'm a lard arse, I can cheat
Tuesday, the 16th, 11:30ish? Email me to set somethin up. Or do it here, this'll be my first appt scheduled on a public forum, let's see who shows up to kill us both?