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Introduction Differences Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=4606" title="Pages that link to Introduction Differences" rel="nofollow" >Introduction Differences\

Hello everyone.
This webpage is a wiki, which means that anyone can alter just about any text.
(Some are protected though).

Anyone is anyone, who has an account at the Ozone Asylum.

Here are a few quick suggestions for using the wiki,
feel free to add more.

-Do Not Delete Content. If it could be valuable, don't delete it.
-Delete Trash. If it's just bs, remove it.
-If it's just badly written, rewrite it.
+-If it needs to be changed in some other way, see Wiki @ Work

--If it needs changed in some other way, see Wiki @ Work
+-Be polite and respect others' work. Asylum Etiquette

--Be polite and respect others work. Asylum Etiquette
-Use links. See ->aboutUBB
-Sign your paragraphs if you want to take credit for them.
-Use the ->sandbox to try things out.

so long,
Tyberius Prime

(Edited by: Tyberius Prime on Fri 17-May-2002)
(Edited by: Emperor on Sun 19-May-2002)
(Edited by: kuckus on Sun 11-Apr-2004)
(Edited by AT on 07-19-2004 20:08)
(Edited by outcydr on 08-02-2004 00:28)
+(Edited by rlamb on 08-14-2004 19:02)

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